Today I wanted to write a simple Windows Batch file which should create some symbolic links (command: mklink). I thought that something like this is an easy job because I know the basics about batch programming – but that was obviously a mistake… Perhaps this post can help somebody else :)
I don’t know what other people think about that problem but I’m getting really angry right now, so I decided to write this post… Today I received a new notebook which I’m setting up at the moment. It’s from a popular producer with two letters in its name – but this problem is widely spread and applies to many producers. The notebook itself looks quite good and robust, it’s fast and the display is bright, the OS is Windows 7 64-bit. Well I should be totally happy because it’s a good machine, but…
Last night I had a really strange compiler error when I tried to translate my new array record. You have to know that I have rewritten the complete record and added generic support to it. Here is a lil’ bit of the code which you need to unterstand why I got this error.
New Theme, New Logo, Old Blog ;) – UPDATE
Hey everybody,
today I searched for a new theme for my blog because I haven’t felt very pleasant with the old one. Now it looks more modern and a lil’ bit that style I have in my head. But before I will create my own style I want to finish my own CMS so I can have a live demo for this system too – but that’s a lot of work until I reach this aim.
Because I do not work with Delphi since some time, I had not the time to provide an updated version of the Delphi IDE theme, so it works with XE3-XE5. But there is a guy from DelphiPRAXiS who updated the theme, so now it’s available for alle IDEs since Delphi 7. Thank You, Rolf Warnecke, for your help und support!
Click here to open the download page on which provides the theme for Delphi 7 to XE5.
Some days ago Embarcadero published the new version of the Delphi IDE, called XE2. Rolf Warnecke has already ported the theme to this version and here it is :)
Today I recieved the new version of the my favorite IDE called Delphi XE. Some time ago I created a kind of theme for the its editor so it looks a lil’ bit nicer (for me ;) ). Now I updated the theme so it supports the new version too. You can find my old (german) post below.
Download: Delphi Editor Theme (112.8 KiB, 1,863 hits)
Last week I worked on my jQuery plugin apOverlay which will be a part for my apWindow plugin hat gets published in the next two or three weeks. In all modern browsers there are no problems at all – ha, that’s wrong! This is only the half the truth because this statement counts only in normal browser, not completely on mobile devices and its default browsers. But how to test if the implementation is correct? No one wants to buy each phone, PDA, tablet… Well, there is the way to look for simulators but that’s not so easy sometimes :)
jQuery Plugins for all
I added a new section right now where I publish my jQuery plugins. At the moment there is only the apOverlay plugin. But in the next few month there come some more – I have to rewrite some plugins for general usage first ;)
Let’s talk English…
So, ab sofort erscheinen alle wichtigen Beiträge in meinem Post auf englisch, da ich somit eine wesentlich größere Anzahl an Lesern ansprechen kann. Ich will doch hoffen, dass die Qualität der Posts nicht darunter leiden wird ;)
Ebenso habe ich schon vor ein paar Tagen das Design der Website umgestellt und ein paar Anpassungen daran vorgenommen, wobei ich sagen muss, dass ich immer noch nicht zufrieden bin damit – mal sehen, was die nächsten paar Wochen bringen…
Well, in future I will write all my posts in english so that I can reach more readers. I hope that because of this change my posts won’t suffer quality ;)
Furthermore some days ago I changed the theme of my blog to Oulipo and modified some things. But I am not that glad about it – let’s see what the future brings…
First of all RTTI is a very nice feature I think. You can do a lot of funny things especially when you combine this technique with Generics. But there is a problem I’m not very glad about: the speed is not that good, so I had to change some things in my O/R mapping class. I do not want to explain what I’m working on because my intention of this post is to write down some words about my experiences with this RTTI feature and the speed.
Da ich zurzeit wieder einmal eine Business-Anwendung für einen größeren Konzern schreibe und erneut vor dem Problem stehe, wie ich dem Benutzer die Daten präsentiere. Im Allgemeinen kann man mit einer Tabellen-Struktur nichts falsch machen, in so fern die zu zeigenden Daten gleich wichtig sind, aber das gelbe vom Ei ist es dann nun doch nicht, wie ich finde. Jedenfalls sitze ich im Moment schon seit über 2 Stunden über neueren Konzepten, die allerdings nicht unbedingt Praxistauglich sind. Zudem finde ich immer wieder mehr Argumente für eine Tabelle – im Folgenden eine kleine Liste der wichtigsten Argumente – als für ein anderes Konzept.