Delphi Usability/Interface

Update: Editor Theme for Delphi IDE (Version 7-XE2)

Because I do not work with Delphi since some time, I had not the time to provide an updated version of the Delphi IDE theme, so it works with XE3-XE5. But there is a guy from DelphiPRAXiS who updated the theme, so now it’s available for alle IDEs since Delphi 7. Thank You, Rolf Warnecke, for your help und support!

Click here to open the download page on which provides the theme for Delphi 7 to XE5.


Some days ago Embarcadero published the new version of the Delphi IDE, called XE2. Rolf Warnecke has already ported the theme to this version and here it is :)

Today I recieved the new version of the my favorite IDE called Delphi XE. Some time ago I created a kind of theme for the its editor so it looks a lil’ bit nicer (for me ;) ). Now I updated the theme so it supports the new version too. You can find my old (german) post below.

Download: Delphi Editor Theme (112.8 KiB, 1,906 hits)