Delphi General Programming Windows

Delphi › Projects › Win7LogonScreenDpi

Today I added a new Delphi project for a small issue I had yesterday: I reinstalled Windows 7 on my notebook Lenovo Thinkpad W500 (display resolution: 1920×1200) and Windows set the DPI of logon screen to 120dpi – I think that’s because of the high display resolution. But that is not the DPI I wanna see! So I wanted to change this, but there is no dialog where you can do that. But MSDN helped me: there is only one Registry value that is responsible for settings the logon screens DPI.

Delphi Programming

Toolbar2000 and SpTBX for Delphi XE2

Because I’m an user of the Toolbar2000 and the SpTBX components for Delphi I had to update them in order to upgrade my projects to Delphi XE2. Without the changes I made it wasn’t possible to use and compile my projects. So I had to sit down a lil’ bit of time and here it is.

Delphi Programming

Delphi XE: TTimeZone is not threadsafe

This is only a very short post, but perhaps it can help some people out there :) When you want to use the abstract class TTimeZone respectively its derived class TLocalTimeZone then be aware of that it is NOT threadsafe – the two mentioned classes are defined in the unit DateUtils since Delphi XE and are really helpful.

Delphi Programming

Enumerations as class type in a generic class/record

Last night I had a really strange compiler error when I tried to translate my new array record. You have to know that I have rewritten the complete record and added generic support to it. Here is a lil’ bit of the code which you need to unterstand why I got this error.

Delphi Usability/Interface

Update: Editor Theme for Delphi IDE (Version 7-XE2)

Because I do not work with Delphi since some time, I had not the time to provide an updated version of the Delphi IDE theme, so it works with XE3-XE5. But there is a guy from DelphiPRAXiS who updated the theme, so now it’s available for alle IDEs since Delphi 7. Thank You, Rolf Warnecke, for your help und support!

Click here to open the download page on which provides the theme for Delphi 7 to XE5.


Some days ago Embarcadero published the new version of the Delphi IDE, called XE2. Rolf Warnecke has already ported the theme to this version and here it is :)

Today I recieved the new version of the my favorite IDE called Delphi XE. Some time ago I created a kind of theme for the its editor so it looks a lil’ bit nicer (for me ;) ). Now I updated the theme so it supports the new version too. You can find my old (german) post below.

Download: Delphi Editor Theme (112.8 KiB, 1,824 hits)

Delphi Programming

RTTI in Delphi 2010, nice but a little bit too slow

First of all RTTI is a very nice feature I think. You can do a lot of funny things especially when you combine this technique with Generics. But there is a problem I’m not very glad about: the speed is not that good, so I had to change some things in my O/R mapping class. I do not want to explain what I’m working on because my intention of this post is to write down some words about my experiences with this RTTI feature and the speed.