Programming Windows

Atlassian Stash 3.0: switch from archive to installer

Today, I installed the new version of Atlassian Stash, Version 3.0.5. Further versions were provides as archive which had to be extracted and configured manually. A new »feature« is the easy-to-use installer, which is – in my opinion – more user-friendly and faster to use than the archive before.

While the installaton I set a completely new directory for Stash application files and also a new respository location, so my productive respository is not touched while installation, because I don’t know if installer modifies some files there. After successful installation, I modified the parameter STASH_HOME in files bin\setenv.bat and bin\ to my old respository location C:\Respository – this was the usual way how to update Stash before the installer. After restarting the service, Stash presented me the setup page, so something went wrong with the configuration or something was missing.

Furthermore, I had to modify bin\service.bat, so the service knows my real repository location. In line 146, the Stash application is executed via "%EXECUTABLE%" //IS//%SERVICE_NAME% ^. One parameter of this call is --JvmOption, in line 163, which I had to modify:

// --- line 163 ---
--JvmOptions "-Dstash.home=C:\Atlassian\ApplicationData\Stash;-Dcatalina.home=
--JvmOptions "-Dstash.home=C:\Repository;-Dcatalina.home=[...]

After that modification I had to remove the service and re-install it again. Therefore I opened a command prompt, switched to the bin-directory of Stash application, removed and re-installed the service:

// Switch to directory:
C:\>cd C:\Atlassian\Stash\3.0.5\bin

// Remove service:
C:\Atlassian\Stash\3.0.5\bin>service.bat remove [Enter]
Removing the service 'AtlassianStash' ...
Using CATALINA_BASE:    "C:\Atlassian\Stash\3.0.5"
The service 'AtlassianStash' has been removed

// Re-install service:
C:\Atlassian\Stash\3.0.5\bin>service.bat install [Enter]
Installing the service 'AtlassianStash' ...
Using CATALINA_HOME:    "C:\Atlassian\Stash\3.0.5"
Using CATALINA_BASE:    "C:\Atlassian\Stash\3.0.5"
Using JAVA_HOME:        "C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.7.0_45"
Using JRE_HOME:         "C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.7.0_45\jre"
Using JVM:              "C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.7.0_45\jre\bin\server\jvm.dll"
The service 'AtlassianStash' has been installed.

You want to automate Stash backups?

Have a look at my backup script if you want to automate Stash backups with Stash Backup Client.

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